Paper-wise Answer Writing Strategy

I followed standard sources which every topper has followed and recommended. Quick run-through the sources:

1. GS I:

  • Culture: Nitin Singhania 
  • Modern History: Spectrum  
  • World History: Karishma Nair (AIR 14, 2020) mam's Notes (available on her telegram channel)
  • Geography: NCERT Class 11th and 12th
  • Society: Sociology NCERTs for theoretical knowledge, Mains 365
2. GS II:
  • Polity: Laxmikant, Satyam Gandhi (AIR 10, 2020) sir's notes, and Mains 365
  • Governance: Satyam Gandhi (AIR 10, 2020) sir's notes, and Mains 365
  • IR: Mains 365 only
3. GS III:
  • Economy: no specific preparation, covered with optional
  • Environment and Disaster Management: PMF IAS, Mains 365
  • Internal Security: Mains 365
  • S&T: Mains 365
4. GS IV:
  • Decode Ethics and selective reading of D.K. Balaji for theory portions 
  • Newspapers for examples

Subject Specific Points:

I have tried to share the subject-specific answer writing styles which I had finalised 2 weeks before the actual main examination. Points below also include the actual examples and keywords which I had used in the CS(Main) Examination, 2022.

History and Culture:

  • Introduction: starting the answer with some fact or relevance. Eg. I started the question on cultural significance of Cholas and Guptas with how dravidian architecture reached its 'zenith' under Cholas, and how Gupta Age was the 'golden age'.
  • Quoting as many examples as possible. Eg. in the question on Medieval Temple Sculptures, I gave examples of Chidambaram Temple's 1000 dance poses for Bharatnatyam, Khajuraho Temples' sensual sculptures, Ramappa Temple by Hoysalas, etc.
  • Conclusion: usually one should cite the relevance of the legacy of the keyword or its impact on Indian Society/Economy. Eg. I concluded the question on famines since mid-19th century by how millions of people lost their lives and millions suffered, which proved to be a great challenge to our forefathers after independence.

Geography & Disaster Management:

  • Introduction mostly is either some data point or a definition. Eg. I started the question on straits and isthmus by writing their definitions and drawing diagrams. While in the question on Coastal Erosion (GS 3), I quoted the latest report IPCC AR6.
  • Body: widening the points as much as possible. Eg. in the question on deccan trap's natural resource potential, I wrote as many natural resources as possible such as minerals, water, wind, solar, etc. I drew as many diagrams as possible in this portion.
  • Conclusion: stating the impact or importance of the underlying keywords.


  • Introduction: I usually quoted a data point or started with an interesting fact. Eg. in question about assimilation and tolerance in Indian Society, I mentioned the tale of Kupmanduk.
  • Body: I tried widening the points as much as possible. One can follow the PESTEL approach here.
  • Conclusion: I generally concluded with an optimistic conclusion by using keywords like 'sarva dharma sambhav', or 'vasudhaiva kutumbakam'.

Polity, Economy & Governance:

  • Introduction: I mentioned relevant articles or judgements or initiatives. Eg. the question on ordinance-making powers of Governor I started the answer directly by mentioning Article 213. Or in the question on PM-GATISHAKTI, I started by explaining the initiative and listing down its 6 priorities.
  • Body: breaking the question and directly answering what is asked should be the way to go. There is no room to beat around the bush here. One can quote committees and NITI Aayog here as well.
  • Conclusion: optimistic conclusion with keywords like 'Amrit Kaal', 'New India', SDGs, etc. Or, connecting the keyword of the question with current affairs can also be done.


  • THEORY: Quality of examples and definitions makes your answer stand out. For this, try to  collect as many examples as possible from newspapers and previous years' toppers' notes. 
  • CASE STUDY: I personally feel that this is more rewarding portion. One should avoid being monotonous with the framework of case study. I started each of the case studies with a precis of the case. I also quoted articles or judgements wherever necessary in the introduction itself. Body is generally answering each subpart of the case. Use of keywords mentioned in the syllabus should make the task simpler here. Finally, concluding the case study with a short way forward or optimistic perspective ends the answer on a high. 

Other Topics:

  • IR: drawing maps wherever necessary helps. Breaking down the body by listing geo-strategic, geo-political, geo-economic perspective, etc. makes the answer more holistic.
  • Internal Security: Starting with definition or a data point and directly answering the question helps. Furthermore, mentioning government initiatives also helps. Eg. Operation Greyhound and SAMADHAN Strategy should be quoted in a question on LWE.
  • S&T: Answering directly what is asked is important here. Connecting the keyword with recent happenings can also be done.


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